(GSoC) Tagging a new version

Posted by Patrick Kofod Mogensen on May 3, 2016

Distributing the latest changes to Optim.jl

Since last fall, there has been made some progress on Optim.jl, especially when it comes to the API. As some of these changes will be breaking, I figured it would be beneficial to tag a new release before the official start of GSoC.

Registered Julia packages are organized as Github repos. This makes is very easy to tag new releases, and distribute them to the users. All it required was two commands: Pkg.tag(“Optim”, :patch), followed by a Pkg.register(). At the end of the register command, a link is provided, such that you can easily make a pull-request to the METADATA.jl package. This package handles the distribution of Julia packages. The PR was merged, and the version of Optim.jl is Now v0.4.5.

See the ANN at the julia-opt mailing-list here.